The meeting was called to order by the secretary as the president is out sick.
The meeting did not meet quorum.
Minutes from the last meeting were read.
Sentry gave a brief financial report.
No new HOA board directors were elected. However, the board mentioned that we are always looking for new volunteers. Contact the board at [email protected] if you are interested in volunteering.
The meeting moved on to discuss other/new business.
The center pond not holding water was discussed. The board has obtained quotes on pumping water into the pond as a partial solution. Electrical quotes for the pump are still being requested. A resident suggested planting something in the area that doesn’t hold water. That will be considered as a backup solution. To date the board has not received good quotes on a permanent solution. The soil is Eel Silt Loam, which we were told does not retain water well. The board will also look at the drainage into the pond if a contact for the city can be identified.
A resident reported that there are cars blocking their mailbox. Sentry suggested reporting this to the police non-emergency line.
A resident asked if violation letters were still being sent out for things like air conditioners in windows. Violation letters are still being sent out. However, we must be careful about what we send to the lawyers if the violation letters do not prompt the resident to fix the problem. The HOA incurs all legal fees until there is a judgement in the association’s favor. The resident is also allowed to request arbitration and the HOA incurs fees for legal representation for that as well.
Plants near utility boxes were discussed. The treasurer mentioned that an 811 representative said the boxes are nearly indestructible.
A resident asked about trash pickup. This is not included in our landscaping contract. If there is something obstructing the mowers, the landscaper may take care of it. However, everything else is bid and quoted separately on an ad-hoc basis.
To report specific issues in the community, send an email to [email protected] and they will create a help ticket for it.